
  1. Laurie Olsen says

    I love this! Who doesn't love to talk about coffee! Crazy people that's who! Matt always has my coffee set to go in the keurig so you can imagine how sad this makes me feel this week. Having to do it for yourself is for the birds. Your little coffee set up here looks quite charming as per the usual. And those peonies!!!! Heart. Eyes.

  2. Owen Davis @ Davis Duo says

    A few years ago my [then fiancΓ©] husband said that he couldn't wait to spend our lives together and once all our children were out of the house and we retired we would buy a beach house and sit on the porch in rocking chairs and drink coffee every morning. Ugh swoon! Coffee is my jam!

    • LifeofCharmings says

      well that is just the sweetest ever!!! i always picture rocking chairs on the porch, too! maybe because that's like, the only way i can picture getting old and not be completely devastated. haha.

  3. Bruna says

    Love love love that birthday letter to June! Came across it a few months ago and swooned πŸ™‚ And I've totally adopted your and Laurie's love of Pikos, haven't joined the Zella train yet as I am a fabletics gal myself, but those pikos are heavenly!

  4. Courtney says

    LOVE this post!! I'm right there with you on the non decaf, and the caffeine standards for pregnancy and nursing. Woop!

    We drank lots of cappuccinos while we were in Rome as well- though I have to say, they were tiny! They drink coffee for the boost and off they go with their day. It's less of an experience there. I like to drink my latte all morning long πŸ™‚

    • LifeofCharmings says

      yes! honestly, though, i never thought of it that way!! maybe because i always feel like we're just like caffeinate work work work caffeinate over here so we need bigger coffees haha… and i'd rather be caffeinate enjoy life, work work, savor, so i figured the italians adjusted their caffeination accordingly. haha. but i'm with you, i like a day long coffee experience. for sure.

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